P a tie n t In fo rm a tio n a b o u t
(p ro n o u n c e d "Z O S ta h vax
G e n e ric na m e: Z o s te r V a ccin e Live
You should read this sum m ary of
inform ation about ZOSTAVAX*
before you are vaccinated. If
you have any questions about
ZOSTAVAX after reading this
leaflet, you should ask your health
care provider. This inform ation
does not take the place of talking
about ZOSTAVAX w ith your doctor,
nurse, or other health care provider.
Only your health care provider can
decide if ZOSTAVAX is right for you.
W hat is ZOSTAVAX and how does
it work?
ZOSTAVAX is a vaccine that is used
for adults 60 years of age or older to
prevent shingles (also known as zoster).
W ho should not get ZOSTAVAX?
You should not get ZOSTAVAX
if you:
• are allergic to any of its
• are allergic to gelatin or
neom ycin.
• have a weakened im m une
system (for example, an im m une
deficiency, leukemia, lym phom a,
• take high doses of steroids by
injection or by m outh.
• are pregnant or plan to get
You should not get ZOSTAVAX
to prevent chickenpox.
ZOSTAVAX contains a weakened
chickenpox virus (varicella-zoster
ZOSTAVAX w orks by helping your
im m une system protect you from
getting shingles. If you do get
shingles even though you have
been vaccinated, ZOSTAVAX may
help prevent the nerve pain that
can fo llo w shingles in som e people.
ZOSTAVAX may not protect
everyone w ho gets the vaccine.
ZOSTAVAX cannot be used to treat
shingles once you have it.
W hat do I need to know about
shingles and the virus th a t causes it?
Shingles is caused by the same
virus that causes chickenpox. Once
you have had chickenpox, the virus
can stay in your nervous system for
m any years. For reasons that are
not fu lly understood, the virus may
become active again and give you
shingles. Age and problem s w ith
the im m une system m ay increase
your chances of getting shingles.
Shingles is a rash that is usually
on one side of the body. The rash
begins as a cluster of sm all red
spots that often blister. The rash
can be painful. Shingles rashes
usually last up to 30 days and, for
m ost people, the pain associated
w ith the rash lessens as it heals.
C hildren should not get
How is ZOSTAVAX g iven?
ZOSTAVAX is given as a single
dose by injection under the skin.
W hat should I te ll m y health
care p ro vid e r before I get
You should tell your health care
provider if you:
• have or have had any medical
problem s.
• take any m edicines, including
nonprescription m edicines, and
dietary supplem ents.
• have any allergies, including
allergies to neom ycin or
• had an allergic reaction to
another vaccine.
• are pregnant or plan to become
• are breast-feeding.
Tell your health care provider if
you expect to be in close contact
(including household contact)
w ith new born infants, som eone
w ho m ay be pregnant and has
not had chickenpox or been
vaccinated against chickenpox,
or som eone w ho has problem s
w ith their im m une system.
Your health care provider can
tell you w hat situations you may
need to avoid.
* R e g is te re d tra d e m a rk o f M e rc k & C o., Inc.
C o p y rig h t © 2008 M e rc k & C o., Inc.
W h ite h o u s e S ta tio n , N J, U S A
A ll rig h ts re s e rv e d
' )
W hat are the possible side effects
The m ost com m on side effects that
people in the clinical studies reported
after receiving the vaccine include:
• redness, pain, itching, swelling,
w arm th, or bruising where the
shot was given.
• headache.
The follow ing additional side
effects have been reported in
general use w ith ZOSTAVAX:
• allergic reactions, w hich may be
serious and may include d ifficu lty
in breathing or sw allow ing. If you
have an allergic reaction, call your
doctor right away.
• fever.
• rash.
• sw ollen glands near the injection
site (that may last a few days to a
few weeks).
Tell your health care provider if you
have any new or unusual sym ptom s
after you receive ZOSTAVAX.
W hat are the in g redients of
Active Ingredient: a weakened form
of the varicella-zoster virus.
Inactive Ingredients: sucrose,
hydrolyzed porcine gelatin, sodium
chloride, m onosodium L-glutamate,
sodium phosphate dibasic,
potassium phosphate m onobasic,
potassium chloride.
W hat else should I know about
Vaccinees and their health care
providers are encouraged to call
1-800-986-8999 to report any
exposure to ZOSTAVAX during
This leaflet sum m arizes im portant
inform ation about ZOSTAVAX.
If you w ould like m ore inform ation,
talk to your health care
provider or visit the website at
www.ZO STAVAX.com or call
Rx only
Issued December 2008
Distributed by:
Whitehouse Station, NJ 08889, USA
20803365(1 )(607)-ZOS-CON
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